
Why is it important to talk about mental health?

It’s such a stigma that’s becoming more open. As a teacher I find it is so important to be transparent and be able to help students of all ages get the support that they may need. Many people have had struggles and have overcome them, it’s important to know you are not alone in this.

How do you work on your mental health?

I work on my mental health by spending time with my family, working out, and reading. My family brings me joy and spending time with them walking, playing games, and traveling helps me express gratitude. Working out and listening to music helps me regulate my emotional state while improving my health for my family. Reading transports my mind and gives me something to look forward to.

How can we reduce the stigma around talking about mental health in our community?

We can reduce the stigma around mental health by having various professionals share their stories just as you were doing right now. We also need to make resources available to all communities, all families, all children and people of various ages. I think the biggest thing is taking away the shame aspect of mental health. It’s nothing to be ashamed of to seek out help to better yourself and your quality of life.