Jordan Rothrock, Senior Director, Creative & Brand

Why is it important to talk about mental health?

It is important to talk about mental health because everyone has it. It goes hand in hand with physical health, which we talk about on a daily basis so by continuing the conversation around mental health it will gain traction and then lead to people not worry about previous stigma's around talking about it.

How do you work on your mental health?

I create space. Whether that is traveling, a spa day or just sitting in the sun. Giving myself time to think or not think is huge in me keeping my mental health up. Also surrounding myself with good people that we are able to celebrate who we are and have a good time no matter what situation we are in.

How can we reduce the stigma around talking about mental health in our community?

Talk about it!!! I think the more and more we put it out there and say it is ok to have those off periods in your life and it is ok to talk about. Us as a society owe it to ourselves to champion mental and continue to support those who need the support because you never know when our own mental health will be effected.