Kroenke Sports & Entertainment Statement - May 31, 2020

Kroenke Sports & Entertainment Statement - May 31, 2020 -

Our nation is in mourning and in pain as we continue to struggle with the persistent legacy of racism and racial inequality. So often, sports have played a critical role in binding and integrating societies. During some of America’s darkest days, sports have provided a source of light. From Jesse Owens to Jackie Robinson to Muhammad Ali, selfless and courageous athletes have opened our hearts, eyes and minds.  Embracing diversity and accommodating difference to create a symphonic whole, marks a core virtue of any team. 

 It is our deepest hope that these horrific events unite us and start honest and difficult discourse on eradicating hate. Each of us has a role to play in realizing Dr. Martin Luther King’s long-deferred dream. We will continue to work with civil rights groups, community activists, government leaders, our players and staff during this uncertain time. Meanwhile, our thoughts are with the Floyd family. They are also with all Americans who feel as though their voice and dignity has been compromised by intolerance.

- Kroenke Sports & Entertainment -