Matthew Smith, Rapids Fan

Why is it important to talk about mental health?

It removes the stigma. There’s an alarming growth in mental health disorders all over the world. My struggles with mental health started when I was 18, my brother passed away. I had just finished at college and was getting ready to potentially go to university--the grief had me constricted on a daily basis. It’s been almost 11 years now and I don’t think I’ve even started to proses the loss of my brother, there’s an internal guilt that I have because I’m alive. I feel this imposter syndrome on a daily basis to the point where I completely shut myself off from people on some days.

How do you work on your mental health?

Music is something that’s important for me, as is soccer. I go to all of the England games at Wembley with my dad. Football has always been important in our family, it’s the one thing in English society that truly unites people. Me and my dad have a great relationship and we’ve created so many memories all due to football.

How can we reduce the stigma around talking about mental health in our community?

By being honest about what you’ve been through by showing others that no matter who you are, regardless of ethnicity, sexuality or gender that everybody deserves to be listened to. Seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a show of strength and its a brave thing to go to open up. Communities have no real meaning if you can’t help each other.