We asked, and you answered. Over the course of the last week, Rapids fans voiced their opinions on social media about who they think is the best dressed player on the team.
The club’s loyal followers had the opportunity to cast their vote every day on Twitter and Instagram Stories. Following each round, the votes were tallied, and the next matchup was determined based on the bracket’s original seeding.
The outfits were divided into four categories: Straight Business, showcasing the best suits; Winter Wear, featuring the player’s sporting turtlenecks and long jackets; Everyday Attire, for the top casual combos; and Fashionista, for the guys who like to push the envelope with their outfits.
There were 32 outfits to choose from and a number of close contests. Every Rapids player was featured, but a few of the team’s most stylish members made multiple appearances.
Andre Shinyashiki led players with four total submissions and three appearances in the elite eight. He narrowly made it through in one of his contests with a tie on Twitter that was only broken thanks to the votes cast on Instagram Stories.
Winter Wear was a very popular category, featuring fashionable peacoats and close matchups, like this one between Cole Bassett and Auston Trusty.
In the end, it came down to Jonathan Lewis in his adventurous button up from the Fashionistas quadrant against Keegan Rosenberry with a classic, stylish winter look.
So, now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for. The winner of the Rapids 2021 Best Dressed Bracket Challenge is: Keegan Rosenberry!

Keegan had three outfits in the full 32-man bracket but was the only player with two appearances in the final four. No doubt his social media campaigning worked in his favor, as he took the opportunity to poke a little fun at the competition along the way.
Congratulations, Keegan!